Servicing & Repairs
Water Softener Servicing & Repairs
Across Swindon & Wiltshire
Imagine that you pay for a good quality water softener, or a filter system that cleans your drinking water. You don’t expect it to go wrong, it just needs to work, and it needs to last long enough to be an economical purchase so that you are really pleased with it.
Now, some customers will expect to look after the investment in their home and have regular servicing, whilst others will expect it to simply work. We listen to the manufacturers and then we promote their advice as the best policy. This means that some softeners only require a health check on an annual basis, while others don’t need that but do need a 3 yearly service.
A warranty might expect that you do have a regular service. We are conscious that too many “regular services” is actually defeating the aim of saving money around the home and in some cases, by not having an annual service for the softener, by the time it does need some attention, the customer will have saved more than the cost of a replacement.
With any equipment purchased from us, you will be informed of the manufacturer’s policy before you make your decision. If you already purchased your equipment from elsewhere, then we will be happy to advise you accordingly.